Bush Appointee Said to Reject Advice on Endangered Species (The Washington Post, 30 Oct 2006, Page A3)
Bush Appointee Said to Reject Advice on Endangered SpeciesBy Juliet Eilperin
The Washington Post
30 Oct 2006
A senior Bush political appointee at the Interior Department has rejected staff scientists’ recommendations to protect imperiled animals and plants under the Endangered Species Act at least six times in the past three years, documents show. In...
Union accuses bank of making hollow claims about ethics
Union accuses bank of making hollow claims about ethicsPhillip Inman
The Guardian
26 Oct 2006
Goldman Sachs was accused yesterday of making hollow claims about its ethical standards after the firm awarded a select band of top bankers multi-million-pound payouts while refusing to pay cleaners little more than the minimum wage. The investment...
Japan market grows ripe for management buyouts
Japan market grows ripe for management buyoutsBy Andrew Morse
The Wall Street Journal Europe
25 Oct 2006
Tokyo HE SALARY man is becoming a buyout artist. Japan, long known for its legions of low-profile corporate executives, has become one of the world’s fastest-growing markets for management buyouts, a strategy used by executives to take their companies...
Deutsche Bank CEO set for retrial
Deutsche Bank CEO set for retrialBy Edward Taylor
The Wall Street Journal Europe
23 Oct 2006
The retrial later this week of Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Josef Ackermann on criminal charges that he abused his position as a director of another German company again brings to the fore the differences between U.S. and German practices on...
Banker to the world’s poor wins Nobel peace prize
Banker to the world’s poor wins Nobel peace prizeRandeep Ramesh South Asia correspondent
The Guardian
14 Oct 2006
A Bangladeshi economist yesterday won the Nobel peace prize for helping to lift millions out of poverty by lending tiny amounts of money directly to the neediest people on the planet. Muhammad Yunus, the microcredit pioneer, and the bank he founded in...
Lavish spending, lack of deals hurt HSBC’s foray into M&A
Lavish spending, lack of deals hurt HSBC’s foray into M&ABy Carrick Mollenkamp
The Wall Street Journal Europe
05 Oct 2006
JLondon UST BEFORE Christmas 2004, John Studzinski, the co-head ofHSBCHoldings PLC’snew investment bank, warned his bankers how intensely they needed to chase big deals to transform the company into a top global player. “There has to be an element of...